US Patents:
1) Song, X. and Dykstra, J.D., 2019. Regulating downhole fluid flow rate using a multi-segmented fluid circulation system model. U.S. Patent Application 10/240,414.
2) Song, X. and Dykstra, J.D., 2019. Real-time water flood optimal control with remote sensing. U.S. Patent Application 16/074,762.
3) Dykstra, J.D., Zhao, Y., Song, X., 2019. Downhole Vibration Characterization. U.S. Patent Application 16/074,001.
4) Dykstra, J.D., Vadali, VM., Song, X., Zhao, Y., 2018. Bottom-hole assembly design and component selection, U.S. Patent Application 16/777,167.
5) Dykstra, J.D., Zhao, Y., Song, X., 2018. Using an adjusted drive pulse in formation evaluation. U.S. Patent Application 15/755,473.
6) Dykstra, Song, X., J.D., Zhao, Y., 2018. Offshore drilling platform vibration compensation using an iterative learning method, U.S. Patent Application 15/524,247.
7) Song, X., Zhao, Y. and Dykstra, J.D., 2018. Active dampening for a wellbore logging tool using iterative learning techniques. U.S. Patent 9,945,975.
8) Song, X. and Dykstra, J.D., 2017. Real-Time Frequency Loop Shaping For Drilling Mud Viscosity And Density Measurements. U.S. Patent 9,938,784.
9) Dykstra, J.D., Vadali, V.M., Song, X., Ge, X. and Xue, Y., 2017. Advanced toolface control system for a rotary steerable drilling tool. U.S. Patent Application 15/517,226.
10) Ge, X., Vadali, V.M., Dykstra, J.D., Song, X. and Xue, Y2017. Gain scheduling based toolface control system for a rotary steerable drilling tool. U.S. Patent Application 15/517,184.
11) Xue, Y., Dykstra, J.D., Ge, X., Song, X. and Vadali, V.M., 2017. Nonlinear toolface control system for a rotary steerable drilling tool. U.S. Patent Application 15/517,245.
12) Song, X., Dykstra, J.D., Vadali, V.M., Xue, Y. and Ge, X., 2017. Feedback based toolface control system for a rotary steerable drilling tool. U.S. Patent Application 15/517,203.
13) Song, X., Zhao, Y., and Dykstra, J., “Active damping control of a wellbore logging tool”, US Patent 9,739,903, 2017.
14) Song, X., Zhao, Y. and Dykstra, J.D., 2017. Fault detection for active damping of a wellbore logging tool. U.S. Patent 9,739,143.
15) Zhao, Y., Song, X. and Dykstra, J.D., 2017. Online active vibration control for a wellbore logging tool. U.S. Patent Application 15/329,049.
16) Song, X. and Dykstra, J.D., 2017. Real-Time Downhole Drilling Mud Viscosity And Density Estimations. U.S. Patent Application 15/323,836.
17) Zhao, Y., Song, X., and Dykstra, J., “Optimal vibration control for a wellbore logging tool”, US Patent Application 15/323,836, 2017.
18) Song, X., Zhao, Y. and Dykstra, J.D., 2017. Active dampening for wellbore logging using vibration feedback. U.S. Patent Application 15/323,930.
19) Dykstra, J.D., Zhao, Y. and Song, X., 2017. Optimization of Downhole Logging Tool Data Resolution. U.S. Patent Application 15/106,941.
20) Li, D., Lee, C.J., Olson, B.M., Song, X., Samie, F. and Fuller, E.N., 2015. Method of controlling a micro-electro-mechanical system (mems) valve. U.S. Patent Application 14/268,526.
21) Song, X., Hebbale, K., and Samie, F., “Method for Determining Dry Dual Clutch Transmission Temperature Following Offline Periods”, US Patent 8983746, 2015.
22) Li, D., Lee, C., Olson, B., Song, X., and Samie, F., “Method of Controlling a Micro-electro-mechanical System Valve”, US Patent, Publication Number: 2015031667, Nov, 2015.
23) Samie, F., Bartos, A.L., Li, D., Lee, C.J., Hebbale, K.V. and Song, X., 2014. Transmission with MEMS-based hydraulic circuit. U.S. Patent 8,747,270.
Selected Journal Publications:
*: Student or Research Associate in my group. *c: Corresponding author.
1). Kargar, M.*, Sardarmehni, T.*, Xingyong Song*c, “Optimal Powertrain Energy Management for Autonomous Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Flexible Driveline Power Demand Using Approximate Dynamic Programming”, IEEE Transactions Vehicular Technology, DOI: 1109/TVT.2022.3199681, August, 2022.
2). Yao, Connor. Edson, S. Yu, G. Zhao, Z. Sun, Xingyong Song and K. Stelson, “Bucket Loading Trajectory Optimization for the Automated Wheel Loader”, IEEE Transactions Vehicular Technology, Jan, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3236507
3). Sardarmehni, T.*, Xingyong Song*c, “Path Planning and Energy Optimization in Optimal Control of Autonomous Wheel Loaders using Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Transactions Vehicular Technology, (Accepted), 2022,
4). Sardarmehni, T.*, Xingyong Song*c, “Region-based Approximation in Approximate Dynamic Programming”, International Journal of Control, DOI:10.1080/00207179.2022.2142851, Dec, 2022.
5). Tian*, Xingyong Song*c, “Addressing complex state constraints in the integral barrier Lyapunov function based adaptive tracking control,” International Journal of Control, DOI:10.1080/00207179.2022.2036371, March, 2022.
6). Sardarmehni, T.*, Xingyong Song*c, “Optimal Tracking in Switched Systems with Free Final Time and Fixed Mode Sequence using Approximate Dynamic Programming”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 1109/TNNLS.2021.3113801, Sep, 2021.
7). Sardarmehni, T.*, Xingyong Song*c, “Sub-optimal tracking in switched systems with fixed final time and fixed mode sequence using reinforcement learning”, Neurocomputing,420, Issue 8, Jan, 2021.
8). Ke*, and Xingyong Song*c, “Down-hole Directional Drilling Dynamics Modeling Based on a Hybrid Modeling Method with Model Order Reduction”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol 143, Issue 10, April, 2021.
9). Ke*, Xingyong Song*c, “Control Design for Directional Down-Hole Drilling Using a High-Order Dynamics Model”, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, Vol 30, Issue 3, May, 2021.
10). Tian*, Xingyong Song*c, “Control of a Downhole drilling system using an integral barrier Lyapunov function based method,” International Journal of Control, Vol 95, Issue 12, Aug, 2021.
11). Tian*, Xingyong Song*c, “Iterative Learning Control for a Type of Modified Smith Predictor”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 142, Issue. 4, April, 2020.
12). Hur, B., Malawey, D., Morgan, J., Song, Xingyong, and Langari, R., “Open-Source Embedded Linux Mobile Robot Platform for Mechatronics Engineering and IOT Education”, The Journal of Management and Engineering Integration, Vol. 13, No. 2, Winter, 2020.
13). Tian*, Xingyong Song*c, “Design and Control of an Automatic High-viscosity Sealant Filling System”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Dec, 2020.
14). Ke*, and Xingyong Song*c, “An LMI Based Approach to Stabilize a Type of Nonlinear Uncertain Neutral-Type Delay Systems”, International Journal of Dynamics and Control,, Oct, 2020.
15). Ke*, and Xingyong Song*c, “Drilling Control System Using an Equivalent Input Disturbance Based Control with a Neutral-type Axial-Torsional Coupled Dynamics Model”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 141, Issue 12, Dec, 2019,
16). Ghasemi*, Xingyong Song*c, “Powertrain Energy Management for Autonomous Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Flexible Driveline Power Demand”, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, Vol. 27, Issue 5, Sep, 2019.
17) M. Ghasemi*, Xingyong Song*c, “Control and Powertrain Management for Multi-Autonomous Hybrid Vehicles”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 141, Issue 7, July, 2019
18). M. Ghasemi*, Xingyong Song*c, “Powertrain Energy Management for Autonomous Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Flexible Driveline Power Demand”, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 2018, (Accepted and In Press)
19) G. Ma*, M. Ghasemi*, and Xingyong Song*c, “Event-Triggered Modified Repetitive Control for Periodic Signal Tracking”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, March, 2018, (Accepted and In Press)
20) A. Bajpai*, M. Ghasemi*, and Xingyong Song*c, “Design and Simulation of a Lab-Scale Down-Hole Drilling System”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part C, 2018, (Accepted and In Press)
21) D. Tian*, and Xingyong Song*c, “Observer Design for a Wellbore Drilling System with Downhole Measurement Feedback”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2017, DOI: 10.1115/1.4038859, Dec, 2017
22) C. Ke*, and Xingyong Song*c, “Control of Down-hole Drilling Process Using a Computationally Efficient Dynamic Programming Method”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2017, (Accepted and In Press), Dec, 2017
23) M. Ghasemi*, Xingyong Song*c, “Trajectory Tracking and Rate of Penetration Control of Down-hole Drilling System ”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2017, (Accepted and In Press), Dec, 2017
24) C. Ke*, and Xingyong Song*c, “Computationally Efficient Downhole Drilling System Dynamics Modeling Integrating Finite Element and Transfer Matrix ”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 139, Issue 12, Aug, 2017.
25) G. Ma*, and Xingyong Song*c, “Integrated Powertrain Energy Management and Vehicle Coordination for Multiple Connected Hybrid Electric Vehicles ”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2017.2780268, Dec, 2017
26) Xingyong Song*c, Y. Zhao, and J. Dykstra, “Active Damping of Acoustic Ringing Effect for Oil Well Sonic Logging System”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol 64, Issue 4, PP 3423-3432, April, 2017.
13) M. Yang, Xingyong Song, and Z. Sun, “Design and Experimental Investigation of Rotational Angle Based Tracking Control”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Volume 138, Issue 7, 071005, May 10, 2016.
27) Xingyong Song, A. Gillella, and Z. Sun, “Low-Order Stabilizer Design for Discrete Linear Time-Varying Internal Model-Based System ”. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol 20, Issue 6, PP 2666-2677, Dec, 2015.
28) Xingyong Song, Y. Wang, and Z. Sun, “Robust Stabilizer Design for Linear Time Varying Internal Model Based Output Regulation and Its Application to an Electrohydraulic System”, Automatica (A Journal of IFAC), Volume 50, Issue 4, Pages 1128–1134, April, 2014.
29) A. Gillella, Xingyong Song, and Z. Sun, “Time-Varying Internal Model Based Control of Camless Engine Valve Actuation System”. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 22, Issue 4, Page 1498 – 1510, July, 2014.
30) Xingyong Song, Z. Sun, “Pressure Based Clutch Control for Automotive Transmissions Using a Sliding Mode Controller”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 17, Issue 3, Page 534 – 546, June, 2012.
31) Xingyong Song, C. Wu and Z. Sun, “Design, Dynamics modeling and Control of a Novel Automotive Transmission Clutch Actuation Mechanism”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 17, Issue 3, Page 582 – 587, June, 2012.
32) Xingyong Song, A. Zulkefli, Z. Sun and H. Miao, “Automotive Transmission Clutch Fill Control Using a Customized Dynamic Programming Method”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 133, 054503, September, 2011. ( Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles of Oct, 2011 )
33) Xingyong Song, A. Zulkefli, Z. Sun and H. Miao, “Modeling, Analysis, and Optimal Design of the Automotive Transmission Ball Capsule System”, ASME Transactions on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 132, 021003, March, 2010. ( Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles of Feb, 2010 )
34) Xingyong Song, Z. Sun, X. Yang and G. Zhu, “Modeling, Control and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of an Automated Manual Transmission”, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part D, Vol. 224, No.2, pp.143-160, 2010. ( Top 5 Most Downloaded Articles of the Year 2010 )
35) H. Wang, Xingyong Song, L. Zhang, Status Quo of Ultra-precision Aspherical Machine, Journal of Mechanical Engineer (In Chinese), 2005, No.5 P.14-15
Selected Conference Publications (To be Updated for List After 2017):
1) Ghasemi, Masood*, Song, Xingyong*c, “Control of a Vertical Drilling System Using Cascade Terminal Sliding Mode Control Techniques”, 2017 American Control Conference, 2017, Seattle, WA, US.
2) Ghasemi, Masood*, Song, Xingyong *c, “A Computationally Efficient Optimal Power Management for Power Split Hybrid Vehicle Based on Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle”, 2017 ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Oct, 2017, Washington, DC, USA.
3) Yiming Zhao, Song, Xingyong and Dykstra, J., “Acoustic Transmitter Active Vibration Control for Sonic Logging”, 2016 Offshore Technology Conference, March, 2016, Malaysia.
4) Song, Xingyong *c, Y. Zhao, and J. Dykstra, “Acoustic Ringing Effect Mitigation for Oil Well Down-hole Sonic Logging System”, 2016 American Control Conference, 2016, Boston.
5) Song, Xingyong, Vadali, M., Xue, Y.,and Dykstra, J., “Backstepping Control of Rotary Steerable Toolface In Directional Drilling”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2016
6) Ke, Chong, Song, Xingyong *c, “A Control Oriented Dynamics Model for Down-hole Drilling System”, 2016 ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Oct, 2016
7) Vadali, M., Xue, Y., Song, Xingyong and Dykstra, J., “Control of Rotary Steerabe Toolface in Directional Drilling”, 2015 ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Oct, 2015, Chicago, IL.
8) Song, Xingyong., Gillella, A., and Sun, Z., “A New Stabilizer for LTV Internal Model Based System And Its Application To Camless Engine Valve Actuation”, Proceedings of the 2013 American Control Conference, Washington, DC, pp.5284-5289, June, 2013
9) Gillella, A., Song, Xingyong., and Sun, Z., “Investigation of Time-Varying Internal Model Based Control for Camless Engine Valve Actuation”, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Manu, Hawaii, Dec, 2012.
10) Song, Xingyong., Gillella, A., and Sun, Z., “Robust Stabilization of Discrete Linear Time Varying Internal Model Based System”, Proceedings of the 2012 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Orlando, Florida, Oct, 2012.
11) Song, Xingyong., Wang, Y. and Sun, Z., “Robust Stabilizer Design for Linear Time Varying Internal Model Based Control”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2012.
12) Wang, Y. Song, Xingyong and Sun, Z., “Hybrid Powertrain Control with a Rapid Prototyping Research Platform”, Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, pp.997-1002, June, 2011.
13) Song, Xingyong., Gillella, A., and Sun, Z., “Tracking Control of Periodic Signals with Varying Magnitude and Its Application to Hybrid Powertrain”, Proceedings of the 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Boston, MA, Sep, 2010.
14) Song, Xingyong., Mohd Zulkefli, A., and Sun, Z., “Automotive Transmission Clutch Fill Optimal Control: An Experimental Investigation”, Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 30-July 2nd,pp. 2748 – 2753, 2010.
15) Mohd Zulkefli, M., Song, Xingyong, Sun, Z. and Miao, H., “A Novel Automotive Transmission Clutch Control Mechanism”, Proceedings of the 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Hollywood, CA, DSCC2008-2713, Oct, 2009.
16) Song, Xingyong, Mohd Zulkefli, A., Sun, Z. and Miao, H., “Modeling, Analysis, and Design of the Transmission Ball Capsule System”, Proceedings of the 2009 American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, pp. 1379-1384, June, 2009.
17) Song, Xingyong, Mohd Zulkefli, A., Sun, Z. and Miao, H., “Transmission Clutch Fill Control Using a Customized Dynamic Programming Method”, Proceedings of the 2008 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, DSCC2008-2166, Oct., 2008.
18) Hyunki Lee, Song, Xingyong and Hyungsuck Cho, Mobile Robot Self-Localization and Local Map Alignment with a Dempster Shafer Sensor Fusion Algorithm, Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC World Congress), Seoul, Korea, July 6, pp. 14663-14668, 2008.
19) H.K. Lee, Song, Xingyong, M.Y Kim and H.S. Cho, A Novel Robot Sensor System Utilizing the Combination Of Stereo Image Intensity And Laser Structured Light Image Information, International Conference Of Control and Automation System (ICCAS) 2005, June 2-5 , Kintex, Gyeonggy-Do, Korea
20) Song, Xingyong, H.K.Lee, H.S. Cho, Range Image Registration for Mobile Robot Self Localization using Improved Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, Proceedings of 2005 FIRA Robot World Congress. 2005, Singapore
21) Song, Xingyong, H. K. Lee, H.S. Cho, Mobile Robot Pose Estimation by Range Image Registration Using Improved Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent System, 2005, Wuhan, China
22) Song, Xingyong, H. K. Lee, H.S. Cho, “A Sensor Fusion Algorithm For Mobile Robot Self Localization And Local Map Alignment” Proceedings of 2006 FIRA Robot World Congress. 2006, Germany